Proposal for Cross-Curricular Grant

Below is a copy of a community and scholarship fund application that we sent to the Education Faculty to for a $1000 grant for an Outdoor Ed Program during reading break on Galiano Island. This will be a weekend for the PDPP students to learn about how to plan, implement and host an outdoor education field trip at the Galiano Conservancy Association with a group of high school students. We will also demonstrate how to prepare the students before the trip, how to follow up from the trip and activities that you can carry-out in your classroom that will use the skills from the trip. 


Community + Scholarship Fund Application Form

Nature of Proposed Event/Activity

Overnight Field Trip spent at the Galiano Conservancy Association with the purpose of:

1) Deepening professional learning networks among peers and community members, 2) Developing a greater appreciation and respect for the abundant and unique ecosystems British Columbia and the Gulf Islands has to offer, 3) Exploring the benefits and challenges of teaching outside and learning about ways to adapt outdoor education techniques and concepts in typical classroom settings. 4) After the completion of the trip the organizers will take their experiences and share their findings at the WestCAST 2017 conference.

Outline of Event/Activity

The Galiano Conservancy Association and members of both 2016/17 Secondary Education Cohorts will work together to host an overnight educational and community building workshop on the Galiano Conservancy Facility. The itinerary will include but is not limited to: A tour of the facility to develop a deeper understanding of ways to respect and preserve some of BC’s most unique ecological systems/environments; participating in workshops and exploring techniques to introduce outdoor education into schools and classrooms; and as preservice teachers, having the opportunity to guide and share in preplanned workshops for cross-curricular development and learn more about working collaboratively within our educational, professional and environmental communities

 Indicate the Manner/Level of Cross Faculty Engagement

Campus Instructors, Cohort students with rich and varied experiential and educational backgrounds and Community Members will be integral in developing the framework and content in which we share information and our experiences. After the completion of the Field Trip, we intend to share our experiences of organizing, planning and executing this project during WestCast 2017 at Vancouver Island University.

 Itemized Detailed Budget

(Values are calculated based on hosting 25 participants)

Facility Rental               Galiano Learning Centre            $255.00          x          1          = $255.00

Sustainability Tour        Galiano Conservancy Ass.       $20.00             x          25        = $500.00

Transportation              Ferry – Foot Passenger Fare     $13.45              x          25        = $336.25

Transportation              Ferry – Vehicle Fare (carpool)    $41.90             x          7          = $293.30

TOTAL                                                                                                                         $1384.55

Transportation              BC Ferries Experience Card     30%                             1          – $188.87

Discount (Total Foot passenger/car discount)            (discount on Foot Passenger and Vehicle Fares)

GRAND TOTAL (Total after Transportation Discount)                                                      $1195.69                                                                                           

Possible Date(s) for Proposed Event/Activity

February 13th – 14th, 2017 or February 14th – 15th, 2017


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